Economic and social history
TRN 640
1962 (shown)
Price 8/6 net

Economic geography
[TRN 601]
*1949 (shown)

[TRN 35]
*reprint [no date given] (shown)

Efficient reading
by Colin Mares
This is the wording on the dustwrapper. See entry under "The way to efficient reading" under the letter "W" for fuller details
[TRN 36]
*1949 (shown)

*1951 (shown)

*1970 (shown)

Electricity in the house
[TRN 37]
*1951 (shown)

*1967 (shown)

Electronic computers
TRN 642
First edition *1962
*1965 (this edition)

Elizabeth I and the unity of England
TRN 539
Joel Hurstfield
First printed 1960
Teach Yourself History series

[TRN 39]
Mary Thomas
First printed 1938
*1942 (shown)

by Jean Kinmond
*1972 (this edition)
Illustrated Teach Yourself

Encyclopaedia of dates and events
SBN 340 05947 8
L.C.Pascoe, A.J.Lee & E.S.Jenkins
First printed1968 (shown)

Encyclopedia of general knowledge
see "Concise encyclopedia of general knowledge" under the letter "C"
Engineering components and materials
TRN 99
by A.E.Peatfield
*1951 (shown)
Volume two in the series Teach Yourself Mechanical Engineering

*1967 (shown)
Volume two

Engineering components
TRN 99
*1973 (ISBN 0340056517) (shown)
volume 2 of Workshop Engineering series

Engineering science
C.C.B.Day & V.J.A.Jones
First printed *1969 (shown)

English costume through the ages
TRN 229
Joan Clarke
*1966 (shown)

English for Swahili-speaking people : Jifunze kiingereza
TRN 682
First printed 1958 (shown)
Price 7/6 net

English grammar
by G.S.Humphreys
First printed 1945
This impression *1949 (shown)

TRN 40
*1958 (shown)

TRN 40
This impression 1964 (shown)

*1967 (shown)

TRN 184
George E.Hyde
*1961 (shown)

Erasmus and the Northern Renaissance
TRN 522
Margaret Mann Phillips
First printed 1949 (shown)
Teach Yourself History

Erasmus and the Northern Renaissance
TRN 522
Margaret Mann Phillips
First printed 1949
Second Impression 1959
Third Impression 1961
Fourth Impression 1964 (shown)
Teach Yourself History

TRN 658
Johnn Cresswell and John Hartley
First printed 1957 (shown)

SBN 340 05781 5
Second Edition 1968 (shown)
Price : 7/6 net IN UK

ISBN 0340057815
*(no date given) (shown)

Esperanto — English dictionary
SBN 340 05950 8
First printed 1969 (shown)
Title page "The E.U.P. concise Esperanto and English dictionary".

TRN 47
Herbert Cutner
*1947 (shown)

*1951 (shown)

TRN 570
First edition 1953
*1967 (shown)

Etiquette and good manners
TRN 687
First printed 1958 (shown)
Price 7/6 net

The E.U.P. concise Dutch and English dictionary
TRN 679
Peter and Margaretha King
First printed *1958 (shown)

This impression 1966 (shown)

*1973 (shown)

The E.U.P. concise Esperanto and English dictionary
SBN 340 05950 8
First printed 1969 (shown)
Title page "The E.U.P. concise Esperanto and English dictionary "

The E.U.P. concise French and English dictionary
TRN 606
*1966 (shown)

The E.U.P. concise German and English dictionary
TRN 556
First published 1945
New Edition with Grammar 1948
This impression *1954 (shown)

TRN 556
Revised Edition 1962 This impression 1966 (shown)
Price : 7/6 net IN UK

SBN 340 05799 0
This impression 1969 (shown)
Price 10s 0d (50p) NET IN UK

The E.U.P. concise Latin and English dictionary
Alastair Wilson
*1965 (shown)

The E.U.P. concise Russian and English dictionary
TRN 677
John Grosberg
First printed 1957
This impression 1963 (shown)

The E.U.P. concise Spanish and English dictionary
Margaret Hambleton Raventós
The E.U.P. concise Swahili and English dictionary
*1965 (shown)

Everyday French
TRN 48
N.Scarlyn Wilson
First printed 1940
Reprinted May 1943
Reprinted January 1945 (shown)
Price 3/- NET

Everyday Spanish
TRN 676
First printed 1957 (shown)
Price 6/- net

SBN 340 05580 4
First printed 1957
This impression 1967 (shown)
Price 7/6 net IN UK

TRN 215
Michael J.Kenny
First printed 1966 (shown)
Price : 8/6 net in U.K

TRN 695
Donald Frank Taylor & Evan Albert Rutland
Express yourself
*1944 (shown)