The different numberings of Teach Yourself books
Period 1 - up to 1950
There was no numbering given to the books during this period.
Period 2 - 1950 to 1967
The Trade Reference Number (abbreviated by me to TRN) was given to all the books still in print in 1950. The number is initially printed at the back on the outside of the wrapper (towards the bottom right corner) It later migrates to inside the folded-in section of the wrapper inside the back cover (near the bottom).
At the bottom of this page there are the four pages of a January 1960 Teach Yourself Books alphabetical stock list and order form.
Period 3 - early 1967
Instead of the TRN a new 5 digit number beginning 0 was printed inside on the back wrapper fold-in section.
Period 4 - later in 1967 to early 1970
The formal Standard Book Number (SBN) - a 9 digit number numbering convention replaced this 5 digit number. It conveys no form of legal or copyright protection. It is a product identification number. The first part of the number is a code for the publisher (here 340), followed by the book number of 5 digits, the final digit is used as a check digit.
A pocket Guide to Teach Yourself Books of 12 pages showing the SBN numbers for the books currently in print in 1967 plus planned new books to be published after 1st July 1967. (To see the pdf file by clicking on the image below)
Period 5 - later in 1970
ISBN - a 10 digit number beginning and adding a 0 (indicating English language books).
Below is the 4 page January 1960 Teach Yourself Books alphabetical stock list and order form.
NB : You will need to rotate the document 90 degrees clockwise to read.
Source : Bernard Rose collection