Eric Dominy
*1967 (shown)

*1971 (shown)

Knitting for girls
TRN 563
Isabel Horner
A Junior Teach Yourself Book

[TRN 93]
by F.Kinchin Smith
First printed in this form 1938
5th and fully revised Edition October 1948 (shown)

TRN 93
This impression 1964 (shown)

Latin revision
by Kathleen Munro
*1964 (shown)
A Teach Yourself Revision Text

TRN 222
Tereza Budina Lazdina
First printed 1966 (shown)
Price 10/6 net IN U.K.

ISBN 0 340 05803 X
*[no date given] (shown)

TRN 591
J.Leigh Mellor
First printed 1959
Second Edition 1959
This Impression 1962 (shown)

Lawn tennis
TRN 145
First printed 1952 (shown)

Learning,, remembering and knowing
by Patrick Meredith
*1961 (shown)

TRN 177
First printed 1961
This impression 1966 (shown)
Price 6/-

Lenin and the Russian Revolution
[TRN 530]
Christopher Hill
First printed June 1947 (shown)
Price 5/- net
Teach Yourself History Library

[no date given] *(shown)

Letter writer
TRN 94
First printed 1950
*1964 (shown)

TRN 94
This impression 1966 (shown)
Price : 6/- net / IN UK

TRN 176
Olive M.Wyatt
*1966 (shown)

Literary appreciation
by Peter Westland
*1966 (shown)
for earlier edition(s) see
History of English Literature : Volume 1 : Literary Appreciation
under the letter "H"

Livingstone and Africa
TRN 531
Jack Simmons
*1955 (shown)
Teach Yourself History series

Local government
TRN 651
*1964 (shown)

Local history
TRN 157
Francis Celoria
First printed 1958 (shown)
Price 7/6 net

TRN 688
*1958 (shown)

Lorenzo dei Medici and Renaissance Italy
TRN 611
*1961 (shown)
Teach Yourself History Library

Louis XIV and the greatness of France
[TRN 532]
Maurice Ashley
*1946 (shown)
Teach Yourself History Library

TRN 532
First printed 1946
Tenth Impression 1966 (shown)
Teach yourself History