Napoleon and the awakening of Europe
TRN 612
First printed 1954 Second Impression 1958 Third impression 1961 Fourth impression 1963
Fifth impression 1965 Sixth impression 1966 Seventh impression 1968 (shown)
SBN 340 05857 9
Teach Yourself History series

Napoleon III and the Second Empire
TRN 525
Teach Yourself History Library

Naval architecture
TRN 170
*1959 (shown)

*[no date given] (shown)

TRN 685
by A.C.Gardner
First printed
*[no date given] (shown)

SBN 34005668 1
First printed 1958
This impression 1967 (shown)

Needlework for girls
TRN 551
Isabel Horner
*1950 (shown)
A Junior Teach Yourself Book

*1960 (shown)

The new gardener's A.B.C.
TRN 718
First edition 1965 (shown)
The A.B.C. of Gardening Series

New mathematics
SBN 340 05971 0
First printed 1970 (shown)

New Testament Greek
TRN 692
First printed 1960 (shown)
Pirce 7/6 net

New Testament in modern English : Dr. James Moffat's classic translation in easy-to-read narrative form
TRN 667
[TRN 108]
I.Marm & Alf Sommerfelt
First printed June 1943 (shown)

TRN 108
First printed 1943
This impression 1953 (shown)
Price 7/6

by Ingvald Marm and Alf Sommerfelt
*1967 (shown)

TRN 649
Magnus Pyke
*1961 (shown)

ISBN 0 340 05672 X
*1973 (shown)

Old English
TRN 630
Leslie Blakeley
First printed 1964 (shown)
Price 8/6 net IN U.K.

The Old Testament story
Carl G.Howie
First printed 1967 (shown)
Price 8/6 net IN UK

Oliver Cromwell and the Puritan Revolution
TRN 521
Maurice Ashley
*1958 (shown)
Teach Yourself History Library

Operational research
M.S.Makower & E.Williamson
*1967 (shown)

The orchestra
by Allen Percival
*1965 (shown)
Illustrated Teach Yourself

The orchestra for boys and girls
TRN 664
Allen Percival
A Junior Teach Yourself Book
King Palmer
*1964 (shown)

Organic chemistry
This impression * 1968 (shown)

O & M
ISBN 0 340 11593 9
by R.G.Breadmore
First published *1971
O & M is Organization and methods

Origami : the art of paper folding
340 05972 9
Robert Harbin
*1968 (shown)