Table tennis
ISBN 0 340 05733 5
by Geoffrey Harrower
First printed 1966 (shown)

*[not given] (shown)

Scroll down further for the title To teach
Television viewers' handbook : a complete non-technical guide
TRN 599
by A.C.Armstrong
*1954 (shown)

** For titles beginning with “The” look under the next title word in the listings **
Thomas Cromwell and the English Reformation
TRN 512
by A.G.Dickens
Teach Yourself History Library
Thomas Jefferson and the American Democracy
[TRN 542]
by Max Beloff
*1948 (shown)
Teach Yourself History Library

Thorndike-Barnhart handy pocket dictionary
edited by Clarence L.Barnhart
*[no date give] (shown)
[A reduced photographic reprint of the edition of 1952.]

To compose music
TRN 25
by King Palmer
*[no given] (shown)

To cook
TRN 28
by E.White & J.R.Watson
*1949 (shown)
Wrapper title "To Cook"

TRN 28
*1960 (shown)
NB Change of wrapper title to "Cooking"

To draw
See under "Drawing"
To express yourself
[TRN 49]
by R.W.Jepson
*1944 (shown)

*1958 (shown)

*1967 (shown)

To fly
[TRN 51]
by Nigel Tangye
First printed September 1938 Second Edition September 1939
Third Edition May 1941 Fifth Edition January 1942
Sixth edition November 1942 Seventh Edition March 1943 (shown)

To learn a language
TRN 210
by P.J.T.Glendening
First printed 1965 (shown)
Price 10/6 net IN U.K.

To live
TRN 593
by C.G.L.Du Cann
First printed 1955
*1963 (shown)

To pass science examinations
TRN 567
by James A.Baxter
First printed *1953
*[no date given] (shown)

SBN 340 05678 9
First printed *1953
[no date given] (shown)

To play the piano
see "The piano" under "P"
To pray
TRN 186
by Stephen F.Winward
*1961 (shown)

To relax
TRN 227
by F.N.Sutherland
First printed 1966 (shown)
Price 7/6 net IN UK

To spell
TRN 137
by Kathleen D.Baron
First printed 1939
This impression 1950* (shown)

*1965 (shown)
Wrapper has the title Spelling

To study
TRN 141
by G.G.Neill Wright
First printed 1945
This impression 1960 (shown)
Price 7/6 net

To study art
TRN 578
by D.Talbot Rice
First printed 1955 (shown)
Price 6/- net

*1968 (shown)

To study sculpture
TRN 680
by William Gaunt
First printed 1957 (shown)
Price 7/6 net

To teach
[TRN 144]
by Lucy Wilkes
First printed 1946
*[date not given] (shown)
Title page "To teach"
Wrapper "Teaching"

*[1965] (shown)
Title page "To teach"
Wrapper "Teaching"

To think
[TRN 146]
by R.W.Jepson
*1940 (shown)

To write
TRN 149
by Kathleen D.Baron
First printed *1942
*1950 (shown)
NB : Wrapper later becomes "Writing"
K.Baron later writes as K.Betterton

*1970 (shown)

ISBN 0 340 12468 7
by Ian F.Finlay
First printed 1971*
*1974 (shown)

Travelling abroad
TRN 678
by Janet Dunbar
First printed 1957 (shown)
Price 6/- net

[TRN 147]
by P.Abbott
First printed August 1940,
Reprinted October 1940, January 1941, February 1941, March 1941, May 1941, May 1941, July 1941, September 1941, January 1942, June 1942, March 1943, January 1945, June 1946 (shown)
Price 3/6 net

TRN 147
This impression 1964 (shown)
Price 7/6 net IN U.K.

TRN 163
by G.L.Lewis
First printed 1953 (shown)
Price 6/- net

SBN 340 05828 5
This impression 1968 (shown)
Price 8/- net IN U.K.

TRN 148
by Pitmans College
First printed October 1946
This edition 1962 (shown)

TRN 148
This impression 1964 (shown)