by Tyrrell Lewis
First printed : November 1947 (shown)
Price 4/6 net
Sport & Recreations series

* 1948 (shown)
Sport & Recreations series

TRN 129
by C.Tyrrell Lewis
This impression 1960 (shown)

Sailing and small boats for boys and girls
TRN 558
by J.M.Lewis
First printed *1951 (shown)
A Junior Teach Yourself Book

[TRN 130]
by S.A.Williams
First printed March 1944 (shown)
Price 3/- NET

TRN 648
by C.C.Marsack
First printed 1962 (shown)
Price 10/6 net

Science : the universe, matter and life
by D.E.Nicholson
See under Universe, matter and life

TRN 573
by T.F.Wickham
First printed 1954
This item *(shown)

The seashore for boys and girls
TRN 589
by Philip Street
*1954 (shown)
A Junior Teach Yourself Book

Secretarial practice
TRN 131
by Pitmans College
First printed 1948
This impression 1961 (shown)
Price : 6/- net

*1964 (shown)

TRN 668
by Eric Dominy
Firt printed 1957
This impression 1962 (shown)

TR 625
by F.H.George
First printed 1964 (shown)
Price 7/6 net IN U.K.

TRN 636
by Vera Javarek & Miroslava Sujić
First printed 1963 (shown)

ISBN 034005817X
This impression 1970 (with minor amendments) (shown)

Serbo-Croatian phrase book
TRN 188
by Viola Ellis
First printed 1961 (shown)
Price : 6/- net

*1966 (shown)

by Jean Kinmond
(no date given) (shown)
Illustrated Teach Yourself

Sex : its meaning and purpose
TRN 132
by W.E.Sargent
ISBN 0 340 05388 7
by Cogswell & Harrison Ltd.
First printed *1970
*1974 (shown)

TRN 662
by V.G.Winslet
*1958 (shown)

*1967 (shown)

Short dictionary of languages
by D.S.Parlett
see "A short dictionary of languages" under the letter "A"

Short history of Russia
by Richard Charques
see "A short history of Russia" under the letter "A"
Shorthand : an exposition of the Gregg system for self-tuition
by Ernest W. Crockett & F.Addington Symonds
*1943 (shown)

[TRN 114]
Pitmans College
First printed 1949
This impression 1970
ISBN 0 340 05687 8 (shown)

Show pony
ISBN 0340038322
by Jennifer & Dorlan Williams
First printed 1961*
This edition *1968 (shown)
Illustrated Teach Yourself

TRN 569
by C.R.Thorpe
First printed 1954 * (shown)

TRN 569
First printed 1954
This impression *1964 (shown)
Title on title page inside is "To sing"

by Malcolm Milne & Mark Heller
*1967 (shown)

Slide rule
TRN 592
by Burns Snodgrass
First printed 1955
This impression 1958 (shown)
Price 6/- net

This impression 1965 (shown)
Price 7/6 net IN U.K.

TRN 134
by F.N.S.Creek
First printed *1949 (shown)

TRN 134
First printed 1949
New Edtion 1955
This Impression 1960 (shown)

*1964 (shown)

*1968 (shown)

Soccer for boys
TRN 561
by F.N.S.Creek
First printed *1951 (shown)
A Junior Teach Yourself Book

ISBN 0340038489
by F.N.S.Creek
*1969 (shown)
Illustrated Teach Yourself

TRN 244
by J.H.Abraham
First printed 1966 (shown)
Price : 8/6 net PRICE IN UK

TRN 652
by Martin Lindsay
*1956 (shown)

SBN 0 340 05720 3
*[no date given] (shown)

TRN 135
by N.Scarlyn Wilson
First printed 1939
This impression *1949 (shown)

First printed 1939
This impression 1952 (shown)

First printed 1939
This impression 1956 (shown)

*1971 (shown)

Spanish dictionary
by Margaret Hambleton Raventós
*1968 (shown)
For other Spanish dictionary titles by Margaret Hambleton Raventós look under letter E for E.U.P. concise Spanish and English dictionary

Spanish phrase book
TRN 575
by W. W. Timms and M. Pulgar
First printed 1954
*1959 (shown)

SBN 340 05821 8
New edition 1969 (shown)
Price : 9s 0d (45p) NET IN U.K.

The speaker and debater
TRN 136
First printed 1950
New edition 1954
*[not known] (shown)
A complete book of self-instruction in speaking and debating, based on Gibson's handbook for literary and debating societies

*1969 (shown)

Speech training
TRN 693
by C.V.Burgess
First printed 1960
*1967 (shown)

Speed mathematics simplified
TRN 204
by Edward Stoddard
First printed 1964 (shown)
Price 7/6 net IN UK

by Kathleen D, Baron
see To Spell under the letter "T"
Squash rackets
SBN 340 05987 7
by Leslie Hamer and Rex Bellamy
First printed *1968 (shown)

Stamp collecting
TRN 138
by Fred J.Melville
First printed *1949 (shown)

revised by Charles Skilton
First printed 1954
*1959 (shown)

Stamp collecting
by L.N. & M.Williams
*1972 (shown)
Illustrated Teach Yourself

Stamp collecting for boys and girls
TRN 554
by L.N. & M.Williams
First printed 1949
*1956 (shown)
A Junior Teach Yourself Book

Statics and hydrostatics
TRN 221
by C.G.Lambe
First printed *1965 (shown)

TRN 139
by Richard Goodman
First printed 1957
This impression 1965 (shown)
Price : 7/6 net IN U.K.

The student's guide
[TRN 140]
by Sir John Adams
First printed in this form April 1938
Reprinted June 1940 (shown)

[TRN 140]
Reprinted June 1940, January 1942, June 1944, June 1945, January 1946 (shown)

TRN 165
by D.V.Perrott
First printed 1951
This impression 1957 (shown)

*1971 (shown)

by R.J.McClean
*1947 (shown)

TRN 142
by R.J.McClean
First printed 1947
This impression 1955 (shown)
Price 7/6 net

*1969 (shown)

Swedish phrase book
TRN 659
by Jörel Sahlgren Oswald
First printed 1958 (shown)

This impression 1965 (shown)
Price 7/6 net IN UK

TRN 143
by Frank Waterman
First printed 1953
*1955 (shown)

*1965 (shown)

*1970 (shown)

ISBN 0 340 05732 7
*1973 (shown)