Hand tools : descriptions and uses
[TRN 98]
*1950 (shown)
Volume One of Mechanical Engineering series

*1964 (shown)
Volume One of Mechanical Engineering series

Handicrafts for boys and girls
TRN 588
Jabez Kay
*1954 (shown)

TRN 161
Eve Cherry
*1954 (shown)

TRN 594
John Le F.Dumpleton
First printed 1955
This impression *1958 (shown)

ISBN 0 340 05612 6
First printed 1955
This impression 1970 (shown)

Heat engines
TRN 694
Eric De Ville
*1960 (shown)

TRN 583
First printed 1955
This impression 1965 (shown)
Price 10/6 net IN U.K

Henry V and the invasion of France
[TRN 526]
*1947 (shown)
Teach Yourself History Library

*[no date given] (shown)

Heraldry and genealogy
TRN 661
First printed 1957
This impression 1963 (shown)

ISBN 0 340 05614 2
First printed 1957
Second edition 1970
This impression (with corrections) 1972
Price 65p NET IN UK

[TRN 82]
T.Grahame Bailey
*1950 (shown)
Subsequent editions publishd under the title "Urdu"

Historical geography
[TRN 602]
*1954 (shown)
Teach Yourself Geography series

History of England
TRN 169
William McElwee
First printed 1960
Second Impression 1964
Third Impression 1966 (shown)

History of English Literature
TRN 41-46
A series of 6 volumes:
41 Literary appreciation 42 English Renascence
43 English Renascence to the Romantic Revival 44 Romantic Revival
45 Victoria Age 46 Contemporary Literature
volume 1 : Literary appreciation
[TRN 41]
Peter Westland
For later edition(s) see Literary Appreciation under the letter "L"

volume 2 : To the English Renascence 500-1650
[TRN 42]
based on the original work of Arthur Compton-RIckett and edited by Peter Westland
*1950 (shown)
Price : 4/6 net

volume 3 : The English Renascence to the Romantic Revival 1650-1780
[TRN 43]
based on the original work of Arthur Compton-Rickett and edited by Peter Westland

volume 4 : The Romantic Revival
[TRN 44]
based on the original work of Arthur Compton-Rickett and edited by Peter Westland
*1950 (shown)
Price 4/6 net

volume 5 : The Victorian Age
[TRN 45]
based on the original work of Arthur Compton-Rickett and edited by Peter Westland
*1950 (shown)

volume 6 : Contemporary literature
[TRN 46]
based on the original work of Arthur Compton-Rickett and edited by Peter Westland
*1950 (shown)

History of music
TRN 185
Allen Percival
First printed 1961 (shown)

SBN 340 05616 9
Second impression 1967 (shown)
Price 10/6 net IN UK

History of painting
based on the original work of H.Schmidt Degener and edited for English readers by William Gaunt
A series of 10 volumes:
1 The Italian School part 1 2 The Italian School part 2
3 The Flemish School 4 The Spanish School
5 The German School 6 The Dutch School
7 the French School 8 The British School
9 The XIX Century 10 The XX Century
NB: No TRNs were used for this series
volume 1 : The Italian School part 1
*1954 (shown)

volume 2 : The Italian School part 2
*1954 (shown)

volume 3 : The The Flemish School
*1954 (shown)

volume 4 : The Spanish School
*1954 (shown)

volume 5 : The German School
*1954 (shown)

volume 6 : The Dutch School

volume 7 : The French School
*1954 (shown)

volume 8 : The British School
*1954 (shown)

volume 9 : The XIX Century
* 1954 (shown)

volume 10 : The XX Century
*1955 (shown)

History of philosophy
TRN 647
John Lewis
[*no date] (shown)

History of religions
TRN 657
First printed 1956
This impression 1964 (shown)
Price : 7/6 net IN UK

TRN 83
by F.N.S.Creek
*1951 (shown)

*1962 (shown)

SBN 340 05618 5
The Hockey Association
First printed in this Edition 1969 (shown)
Price : 10s 0d (50p) NET IN U.K.

Home heating
ISBN 034016428X
B.J.King & J.E.Beer
*1972 (shown)

Home nursing
TRN 84
Mary Hutton assisted by Samuel King Hutton
First printed 1950 (shown)

*1964 (shown)

Hormones in man and animals : The endocrine physiology of man and warm-blooded animals.
TRN 234
E. Höhn
Donald De Carle
*1965 (shown)

Horse management
TRN 85
*1964 (shown)


House repairs
[TRN 88]
*1948 (shown)

TRN 88
*1955 (shown)

*1965 (shown)

*1974 (shown)

The houshold doctor
[TRN 86]
by S.King Hutton
*1969 (shown)

*1969 (shown)

Household electricity
[TRN 87]
Caroline Haslett
*1939 (shown)

TRN 87
This impression *1953 (shown)

prepared by the Electrical Association for Women
*1960 (shown)

How the mind works
David Cox
Human biology
TRN 205
Deryck Taverner
Firsts printed 1964 (shown)
Price : 7/6 net IN U.K.