Illustrated Teach Yourself
The Illustrated Teach Yourself series started in 1968 taking over from the Junior Teach Yourself and some of the Junior series were re-vamped for the new series.
Examples taken from the Junior series included Camping, Riding, Radio, Photography, Dogs as pets. New titles were added to the Illustrated Teach Yourself series. Examples being Aquaria, Show pony, Soccer, Sewing.

The series was published by Brockhampton Press.
The format was smaller than the Junior Teach Yourself series but larger than the standard Teach yourself series.
Height : 224 mm
Width : 152 mm
Colour photographs, black and white photographs and line drawings were a feature of this series.
Wrappers were not used.
As can be seen on the example to the left the standard Teach Yourself yellow and black colours were used for the fronnt cover at the top with a colour photograph underneath which bleeds to the other three edges.
Other titles of the series were unfortunately not listed anywhere in these books.
A knight chess piece logo was used (perhaps in a "chess" series cf. the rook logo of the Teach Yourself series).