Warren Hastings and British India
[TRN 544]
by Penderel Moon
*1947 (shown)
Teach Yourself History Library

Washington and the American Revolution
TRN 616
by Esmond Wright
*1957 (shown)
Teach Yourself History Library

The way to efficient reading
TRN 629
by Colin Mares
*1964 (shown)
Title page given as "The way to efficient reading", front of wrapper has "Efficient reading"

The way to poetry : an anthology of English verse from Chaucer to Sidney Keyes
TRN 164
compiled by E.Ellerington Herron
*1949 (shown)

by C.G.Bainbridge
*1962 (shown)

*1969 (shown)

TRN 598
by John T.Bowen and T.J.Rhys Jones
*1960 (shown)

First printed 1960
This impression 1967 (shown) (inside back flap 05829)
Price 7/6 net IN UK

Whitgift and the English Church
TRN 615
by V.J.K. Brook
*1957 (shown)
Teach Yourself History series

Who's who in the Bible
by G.Henton Davies & Mrs A.B.Davies
*1970 (shown)

William I and the Norman Conquest
by Frank Barlow
*1965 (shown)
Teach Yourself History series

Window display
TRN 681
by G.R.Kazakerley
First printed 1957
This impression 1962 (shown)

by R.S.Don
First printed 1968 (shown)

Woodrow Wilson and American Liberalism
[TRN 546]
by E.M.Hugh-Jones
First printed May 1947 (shown)
Price 5/- net
Teach Yourself History Library

Woodwork for boys
TRN 555
by W.P.Matthew
*1950 (shown)
A Junior Teach Yourself Book

by W.P.Matthew
*1960 (shown)
A Junior Teach Yourself Book

Workshop practice : Mechanical engineering - volume three
TRN 100
by A.E.Peatfield
*1967 (shown)
Mechanical Engineering series : volume 3

See entry under "To write"
Writing for pleasure and profit
TRN 165
by William Freeman
First printed 1959
*1964 (shown)