Quantity surveying
TRN 123
First printed *1949 (shown)

revised by E.W.Ashford
Third edition *1967 (shown)

Radio [for boys]
TRN 560
by Edwin N.Bradley
First printed 1951*
*1957 (shown)
A Junior Teach Yourself Book

new edition *1961 (shown)
A Junior Teach Yourself Book

ISBN 0 340 03769 5
David Gibson
First published 1968
Fourth impression 1974 (shown)
Illustrated Teach Yourself series

Radio communication
Eric Reid
First printed August 1942 (shown)

Radio servicing
TRN 195
by L.Butterworth
First printed *1964
This impression *1965 (shown)

Radio servicing
SBN 340 05701 7
*1969 (shown)

Raleigh and the British Empire
[TRN 540]
David B.Quinn
Ready reckoner
[TRN 124]
compiled by Eric A.J.Crofts
First printed 1944 (shown)
Title page "Ready reckoner and tables"

Ready reckoner and tables : decimal currency edition
Eric A.J. Crofts
*1967 (shown)

Richelieu and the French monarchy
TRN 541
*1949 (shown)
Teach Yourself History Library

ISBN 0 340 03780 6
First published 1949 This edition 1968 6th impression 1973 (shown)
An Illustrated Teach Yourself Book
Published by Brockhampton Press

Riding for boys and girls
TRN 553
*1949 (shown)
A Junior Teach Yourself Book

Robespierre and the French Revolution
TRN 614
*1952 (shown)
Teach Yourself History Library

Roman Catholicism
David Quinlan
*1966 (shown)

Roman Commonwealth
TRN 189
Ralph Westwood Moore
*1954 (shown)

ISBN 034005980X
by M.Murrell and V.Ştefănescu–Drăgăneşti
*1970 (shown)

TRN 125
*1944 (shown)

*[no date given] (shown)

Roosevelt and modern America
TRN 511
Rugby football
by F.N.S.Creek
*[no date given] (shown)
Sport & Recreations series

TRN 126
*1950 (shown)

TRN 126
New and improved impression 1959 (shown)
NB : Change of photograph on the front of the wrapper

TRN 126
New Edition 1963 (shown)
Price : 6/- net PRICE IN UK
NB: Change of lettering on the front of the wrapper

[no date given] * (shown)

[TRN 127]
Maximilian Fourman
First printed February 1943 (shown)

TRN 127
This impression 1957 (shown)
Price 7/6 net

SBN 340058137
This impression 1969 (shown)
Price : 9s0d (45p)

Russian phrase book
TRN 128
*1949 (shown)

*1961 (shown)

Russian through reading
Frank Higenbottam
First printed 1967 (shown)
Price 10/6 net IN UK